
The study and design of an area of ​​multi-sport and playground presents particularities that arise from the fact that each space has some basic principles of operation, each owner has special preferences and requirements. In addition, developments in sports equipment and equipment in an environment are rapid. In modern gardening and exterior landscaping, technological progress, changing lifestyles and evolving social structures require the application of new principles and standards in the design of the garden.

Simpraxis SPAU  company with qualified staff has the ability to make a study of the area, and after the feasibility study of the area (technical descriptions of materials and breakdown of materials-cost). The photorealistic related (graphics) of Simpraxis SPAU is very near fact because of the software, which features which is latest technology. The company is in direct contact with the companies that partnered with whom to collaborate on designing special projects and resolve extremely specific problems.

What makes Simpraxis SPAU stand out is the types and variety of projects, and how to deal with them. Every project is a unique goal for the company with functional, aesthetic and manufacturing quality.

Simpraxis SPAU  company constantly and systematically updated on the most modern methods of design and construction, as well as on the new principles and standards of the European Union. This is achieved through the continuous cooperation of the company with the technicians of the largest modern companies of Greece and abroad and with the continuous visits to the special international exhibitions from all over the world, enriching the experience of the company.