Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2024!
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New collaboration with Bodet Sport!
Spau gr is pleased to announce the collaboration with the French company Bodet Sport.
Bodet Sport has a wide range of products in led scoreboards, timers, scorepad, led video screen which cover the needs of all sports facilities while offering modern and tested solutions. Its products evolve in order to meet the highest demands of international events. They have a range of scoreboards, which offer a modern, energy efficient range of equipment, this energy efficiency is achieved using LED digits.
Bodet Sport offers indoor and outdoor LED video screens and scoreboards.
In addition, its items are certified according to FIBA LEVEL 1 & FIBA LEVEL 2 standards.
See all the items available on her website: Bodet Sport
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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2022!
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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2020!
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Εγκαίνια Πρότυπης Παιδικής Χαράς για ΑμεΑ στο ΠΙΚΠΑ Βούλας!
Κατασκευή Αθλητικών Γηπέδων!
Η Simpraxis SPAU κατασκεύασε αθλητικά δάπεδα & προμήθευσε τον αθλητικό εξοπλισμό σε γήπεδα Μπάσκετ, Τένις & Μίνι Ποδοσφαίρου.
Εγκατέστησε χλοοτάπητα υψηλών προδιαγραφών στα γήπεδα Τένις & Μίνι Ποδοσφαίρου, όπως και ακρυλικό δάπεδο στο γήπεδο Μπάσκετ & Τένις.
Στην συνέχεια, πραγματοποίησε την τοποθέτηση του αθλητικού εξοπλισμού όπως ορθοστάτες τένις, δίχτυα, μπασκέτες & προστατευτικά στρώματα ασφαλείας.
Δείτε το έργο στο video που ακολουθεί
Νέα αποκλειστική συνεργασία με την εταιρεία Dalla Riva Sportfloors η οποία ειδικεύεται στα παρκέ!
Participation in XENIA exhibition!
The XENIA exhibition was successfully held!
Our company is very happy to have participated and had the opportunity to get in touch with the hotel industry representatives.
Thanks to those who have visited us & we renew our appointment for XENIA in 2018!
We participate in the Xenia exhibition!
Simpraxis SPAU is pleased to inform you that it will take part in the XENIA exhibition of the hotel industry. The exhibition will be held at the Metropolitan Expo on 25-25-26 November.
Our stand will be in Hall 4 – Stand No C26, we are waiting for you!
Λειτουργία αναδιπλούμενης ηλεκτρικής μπασκέτας οροφής στο Eurohoops Dome!
Simpraxis SPAU has manufactured a retractable ceiling basket with an electric mechanism at the Eurohoops dome academy!
See how it works:
Completed basketball court of academy Eurohoops Dome in Kifissia.
Simpraxis SPAU is pleased to announce the completion of the closed Eurohoops Dome basketball court in Kifissia. The Academy bears the signature of the top Thodoris Papaloukas & Dimitris Diamantidis.
See Mr. Papalouka welcoming children & parents, explaining how the parquet academy and sports equipment were created.
A detailed presentation of the project is expected in a few days.
New offices for Simpraxis SPAU!!
We inform that from 02.01.2017 we are in our new offices on John Kennedy (Agia Triada)
218, Peristeri.
New Exclusive Partnership with spanish company INDUSTRIAS AGAPITO!
We welcome the New Year, with new partnership with Spanish company INDUSTRIAS AGAPITO.
The company INDUSTRIAS AGAPITO has the following lines:
The series features original AGAPLAY playground equipment with special designs and reliable products that will impress young and old. As a complete product line, with institutions for people with disabilities disabilities.
The series includes city AGACITY equipment such as benches, bins, bicycle stand and a special series of city equipment with recycled items.
The series includes AGASPORT outdoor fitness equipment series such as beach and wooden education institutions.
The instruments are suitable for public and private outdoor spaces, as certified according to European standards.
You can see the entire range of products in the following link:
The Best Basketball Experience – RED15
Simpraxis SPAU in corporation with italian company ARTISPORT present you new technology basketball RED15. The basketball is high level, functionality and design.
Electric oleodynamic (hydraulic) system
3 positions function (basket, mini basket and rest)
The system, while being in the rest position, can be easily relocated thanks to the 4 casters of which two are swivel casters.
The crystal backboard can be adjusted perpendicularly or in parallel with the floor.
The monolithic arm hides the moving mechanical system
Τhe protections wrap up at 360°
Certificated F.I.B.A. APPROVED for 1?° Level competition_x000D_
More information in site
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